Saturday, January 26, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture:Week 3

Blog Week 3: Perspective on Diversity and Culture

I talked to three different people for this assignment my daughter, and two co-workers; one from Morocco, and the other from South America. The first definition is from my daughter who has lived around the world through our military stations.

Culture-My definition of culture is anything surrounding our upbringing that we hold dear and close to our hearts. Our culture is anything we have come to know, expect and cherish in our daily life as well as in special events. Our culture is defined by the ways we were educated in our upbringing, to include our language and traditions.

Diversity- my definition of diversity is simply a vast majority of different cultures, classes, races and intellectuals coming together collectively to collaborate on one thing or another. It does not just have to be culturally diverse. Diversity runs across all spectrums of different types of people based on race, religion, education and culture.

This next on is from Ms.Daphne, my co-worker from South America To me culture is a different characteristics from a specific group of people that share common ideals like religion, art, music and share the same language. To me diversity is the different characteristics that make every individual unique.

Next, is Ms.Kem from Morocco; *culture: is having a story to tell. Us, the children of the world sharing our experiences through tradition, art, food, music and storylelling. It is our unique exposure to the various chapters in the book of life. When one has culture, they are able to thrive in any circumstance because our cultures are linked the same way.

(key words for culture: travel,experience,tradition,exposure,open mind,art,music,celebraton,food,storytelling, rituals...) *diversity: is the jewel of the world. Raised and cultured differently, we all have ability to adapt in our versatile universe. When you combine all the wonderful, complex and intelligent minds, it develops diversity and leads to tolerance and acceptance. Diversity is essentials to a peaceful and compassionate world. (key words for diversity: versitile, different, unique, togetherness, adaptable, talent, bonding, culture, Mixing, sharing, expanding, commonality...)

After reading the responses and our resources this week, my way of interpreting culture and diversity is ever changing because of all the views I am seeing. I can relate to what everyone is saying and do believe that culture is the way you see things as you are growing up and being taught about the differences in the world around you. As I said above-my family comes from a long line of military members and we have always moved around and interacted with many diverse people and so I do understand that we all bring uniqueness to the table of our society that needs to be embraced by everyone. I feel that the answers I received reflect the course teachings fairly well and I learned so much from really talking to my co-workers and learning more about their views on how others look at their culture and how they wish more was reflected in schools and in the community so that we could really live together and know the souls of each culture as opposed to just the icing on the top (holidays, language).

The definitions that I received from others will help me to gain an even better understanding of these two topics as I move forward in this course and beyond. I find myself looking deeper when I am planning my days with my preschoolers and even doing my assignments. I feel we can always learn something new from those around us and this assignment is helping to show me how true it is “learning is like peeling the layers of an onion to find another new insight/knowledge”.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blog: My Family Culture: Week 2

Blog: My Family Culture:Week 2

A major catastrophe has almost completely devastated the infrastructure of your country. The emergency government has decided that the surviving citizens will be best served if they are evacuated to other countries willing to take refugees. You and your immediate family are among the survivors of this catastrophic event. However, you have absolutely no input into the final destination or in any other evacuation details. You are told that your host country’s culture is completely different from your own, and that you might have to stay there permanently. You are further told that, in addition to one change of clothes, you can only take 3 small items with you. You decide to take three items that you hold dear and that represent your family culture.

The items I would take when my family and I are evacuated would be difficult to choose because of the broken family life I had while growing up. I only have a few items that link me to my family and heritage that would be relevant to pass on to my children no matter the situation.

The first item I would choose is my parents wedding picture because I lost them at such an early age. This picture means a lot to me and my family because it represents generations that my children and grandchildren did not get to meet. With the picture are stories that are passed down by my sibling that I share as well. This is a great way to help us all remember family members. The second item I would choose is my wedding/anniversary ring because it shows my commitment to family and the values I have worked hard to instill throughout my family. The last thing I would choose is my family bible because it contains the history of my family for many generations. This bible is passed down through the years and has personal notes written by relatives

The way I would explain my chooses to others would be to just let them know that I lost both my parents at an early age and I have few items that truly show my family culture. My family culture is blended with many diverse layers as I believe everyone’s is-it would be great to have something from my relatives overseas but alias that is not to be. The feelings that I would have after arrival and finding out that I could only keep one of the items would be very hard to come to terms with, but I would understand and pick my family bible because it holds so much information that could help my family and they would be able to document our trials throughout the evacuation.

I think that after doing this assignment I have come to terms with the fact that I need to reevaluate what is really important to me and my family. I lost so many family memories when I became a foster child and was too young to do anything about our personal belongings that most of my childhood items from my parents where lost forever. Therefore, it is very hard to put this list together-my father’s flag from his casket and medals would be items that would have gone well here, but so be it-life goes on and we persevere. I am continuing to learn more about my family culture and ask more questions of my brothers and sisters as they are older than me and remember more.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Class # 6 on my journey for a Master's Degree

Wow! I can't believe it is already the sixth class toward my masters degree and I will be done by October 2013 :-) This has been an exciting journey so far and I am learning so much from all my classmates. I thank you again for all your great posts and knowledge in each course.

Let's do this and gain our degree's and make a better world for the children everywhere!!!