Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 8: When I Think of Child Development

Quotes that have meaning:

While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about-Angela Schwindt

Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.-Kay Redfield Jamison

"Children are our most valuable resource" -Herbert Hoover

Children need models more than they need critics.-Joseph Joubert

All of these quotes reflect jsut how important children are to us and they show us that we must take care of them because they are the future. There are so many quotes available for us to read and ponder and it is sometimes hard to pick just one or two. I can't wait to read everyones quotes so maybe I will be able to find some new favorites. This class has been great and I have learned so much from my colleauges-I hope to see many of you in my next class.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Susan, I really agree with you about the fact that children are our future and we need to protect them and care for them. I also wanted to tell you that I am appreciative that i had you in my class. Thanks for being my colleague and for your valuable contributions for children and families. I wish your future bright and i hope that life blesses you with all you have to offer. Thanks again.

  3. What a great quote from Angela Schwindt! That is something that I have experienced from my students. I go into my classroom teaching my students new facts and at the end of the day my students end up teaching. I think that we always need to take time and remember what is important in life, and children are a great reminder of that! Thank you for always sharing your thoughts and research about the different topics. It has been a joy to read your blogs.

  4. I really like the quotes you chose to share they all seem to have some kind of meaning.This one is one i really like and is very true."While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about-Angela Schwindt" After reviewing the quotes there were several you could choose from, which made it even harder to pick the ones you wanted to post. I am really looking forward to reading all of the different quotes from everyone.I have enjoyed all of the colleagues in this class and able to give everyone input in our discussion. Thanks for all of the support in this course hope to be in more classes together.

  5. I would like to thank you for the feedback and insight you have given to me during this class. My wish for you is that you will fulfill your desires in life on your professional journey.

  6. I am really excited to read your next post
