Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Connections to Play

Adults are obsolete children-Dr. Seuss We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing-George Bernard Shaw "Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul." Friedrich Froebel When I was young I would play outside all day with my friends and family. We loved to go exploring because we lived in the country and had alot of fun climbing trees and just seeing what nature had for us to find. I used to enjoy playing outside on our tire swing and playing games at night around the neighborhood. My siblings would play games and explore with me even though they were older than me. This helped me to grow closer to them and learn young about how rules can change from one minute to the next. I was an outside player when I was growing up and still perfer to be outside whenever possible. Both at school and at home outside play was encouraged and we also had family time when we would play games together (board games and outside games ). Play was encouraged-but I grew up in the 1960's and the electronic age had not hit yet, so that was good. Today I think play is alot different because so many children do not play outside. Today children play inside on electronic devices or are watching television. When I was growing up children played sports and got together outside-today children play some sports, but also get together to play computer games and other inside activities. Play time is being taken away from children today in many programs and being replaced with more desk work and for me this needs to be changed back to how it was when i was growing up and you had recess two to three times a day and you played outside most of the time.
These are some of my favorite things to do and play with even now with my grandchildren-we are always playing outside and making up games to play. It is great to watch them explore and ask questions about the world around them. I instilled in my children a love for the outdoors and we are all trying to do the same thing with all the grand children.


  1. Hello Susan!
    Reading your post was very enjoyable. Like you I really enjoyed and spent hours playing outside with friends and family. I also consider that children now a days are being harm because they are not giving the opportunity to play as part as their learning process.

  2. Susan,
    I really enjoyed your post I remember growing up outdoor play was encouraged as well. We would stay outside all day until the street lights came on. I always encourage my children to go outside and play.

  3. Enjoyed reading your post.I also had opportunities of outdoor plays,they are memories that stays forever,appreciating the wonders of nature and not just watching on TV,learning to interact,share,take turns,really helps develop ones social experience in our garden,truly made me appreciate agriculture and which in turn affected my performance throughout elementary and high school,I found the subject quite easy.Play truly is children's best way of learning new things
