Saturday, June 29, 2013

What I Have Learned: Week 8


One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds (any format and any length) <p>


The one hope I have for working with my families and children is to really immerse myself in learning about each families unique differences and bringing them into my classroom as best I can. I want to be able to help all children no matter where they live or what their family situation might be. Children have no control over their young lives and it is up to us to help them succeed and give them the tools for this success. I would like to help children get the education they are afforded even if they are not able to pay because again the children have no control over this and each and every person should have an education. <p>


One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice (any format and any length) <p>


A goal that I have for the early childhood field would be to help bring more awareness to everyone the importance of educating all children around the world. Education is supposed to be equal for all and here we are in the 21st century and we still haven’t made it equal for all. I would like to have centers available in each community that caters to children no matter their race, gender, disability, or any number of other injustices that we dole out whenever we see fit. We must overcome our biases to help our families to reach the goals that they set for themselves and their children. <p>



A brief note of thanks to your colleagues<p>


Lastly, I would like to thank my colleagues for their continued support during this class; I truly appreciate your comments and suggestions as they are helping me to grow. You have all shared many great ideas and stories that I will remember. We have shared our biases and hopefully we are learning from each other as well as growing to be better people and educators. Here’s to another class down and two more to go, hopefully I will see you next week in our next class. Best wishes to each and every one of you in your continued journey. <->



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