Friday, October 25, 2013

Final Farewell !

Blog Assignment: Time Well Spent

At least three deeply felt learning’s from this programgraduation-is-not-the-end-its-the-beginning.jpg


This has been a long journey for me that started more years ago than I can count (took time off to raise my children, get my daughter through college and we both graduated the first time together, me with my Associate Degree and here with her Bachelor’s, watched my son go to war and come back and finally get back to college myself). Without the support of my family I’m sure I would never have finished-but they kept me grounded and made sure I never gave up! So here we are at the end of a chapter of my life and I can truly say I am ready to take on the goals I have set and will tackle whatever comes my way. The things I have learned from working with Walden University and all the great professors and colleagues throughout my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees have really added up, but the most deeply felt would have to be the knowledge passed to me from others in my field. I have learned that I must keep discovering new knowledge in my professional life because everyday something changes. I also learned that everyone needs a solid support team to help them succeed because just like children we also need praise/recognition in order to validate what we do! Having people around you that have similar goals for helping children and families is a great way to make things happen and over the course of my time at Walden I have learned that we are a large group that can make a difference.


At least one long-term goal



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The long term goal that I have is to change how families obtain services in my area when it comes to finding care for children and having resources available for my families to use and have people available that can speak many languages to help every family. My area is very diverse and transient so I need to make sure everyone is welcome and that I can help them no matter what they need. I would like to branch out on a larger scale within the next five years to include the east coast area and I feel this is possible with the right people on my team.


A farewell message to your Instructor and colleagues


I would like to say thank you to all the wonderful professors and colleagues I have worked with during my time at Walden University. I can truly say we did this together-we made it to the end and are better teachers, professionals, parents, friends, and advocates for all we have put into our learning experience. For this last and class I would like to say a big thank you to my colleagues for reading my posts and sharing feedback that helped me to grow. To Dr. Teri, I would like to extend a BIG Thank you for helping me to grow in my research methods, APA skills and really learning how to take your feedback and put it into an exciting project that I hope to see to fruition in the near future. I will keep everyone posted here as to how it is going. Best of luck to everyone and I hope we can stay in touch. I would love to get together at some point and really get to know everyone. I will not be at graduation this time as I went for my Bachelor’s and there is no way I can go again-so here’s to seeing you in the future!!! Love to all!!

Do not hesitate to get in touch in your in the D.C. Area-would love to network together!

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  1. Susan,

    Thank you for a beautiful post! It sounds like you and I have a lot in common. Thank you for sharing what you learned. Collaboration is an important facet of early childhood education. United together we can affect change in early childhood education. Living in the D.C. area, families are indeed transient and diverse. Good luck with your endeavors as you move forward. Thank you for all that you shared!

  2. Susan,
    I have enjoyed reading your post! I would like to personally thank you for the insights you have shared and positive feedback given during this time. You are right we did do this together. I wish you the best in life.

  3. Susan,

    Thank you for sharing your journey, thoughts and goals. It has been a long process for me as well but I am so thankful to be at the end of this journey with you! Good luck in your future!
