Saturday, November 10, 2012

Researching Special Needs

Blog Assignment: Your Personal Research Journey

This week we were to narrow our topic down even more, so I have picked Special Needs in the school setting (main topic), I am looking closer at either ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or Dyslexia. My son has Dyslexia and this can be frustrating for him at times. Schools are still in the mind set of pushing anyone to the side that has any type of problem (as they see it). All children need the same treatment even if they may need extra attention. So far working on the research simulation has been a challenge as I am finding it more difficult to fit all the required research and study time into my work days. We are also starting the process of NAEYC Accreditation and that on top of this is at times overwhelming. I am however very excited about finding our more for my topic, so if anyone has any good information or sites to share that would be great! I am learning so much about good and bad websites already from all of my classmates (Thank You).


  1. We went through the accred for NAEYC and it was brutal. So much work.I think this is a really great topic that you picked, there is such a need for research in this field.Have you had any more thoughts on the direction you might go with this?

  2. I have to admit that I do not know much about Dyslexia. I am looking forward to hopefully learning more about this topic from you. If I come across any information that I believe would be beneficial to you I will email you the information. On Wednesday I have a meeting with the Preschool Intervention and Referral Team, (PIRT) I will ask them do they have any specific websites or articles that I can share with you.
