Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The Office for Child Care


The organizations that I would like to be part of in the future are: 1) The Office for Child Care, I chose them because they have goals that are similar to mine for children and families in my community and beyond. The office for child care supports low income working families by helping them with financial issues and promotes children’s learning by making centers raise their quality for all children. By helping families with the expense of child care parents are able to obtain better jobs and move forward in their lives which helps them leave the low income bracket behind.

No vacancies found at this time.

To work within the Office for Child Care I would need to have excellent communication skills, the ability to work with a group of peers and be knowledgeable about the various diverse backgrounds of families in need. Having my Master’s degree is a plus, but I will need further experience with my communication skills.

National Education Association

The second organization I am interested in pursuing is the National Education Association. They are the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States. I am interested I them because they have so much influence in what happens with children and education. I did not find any jobs in my area that I could do at this time; I will need more experience with running a center or other organization.

Children’s Defense Fund

My last place of interest is the Children’s Defense Fund because they are after the same things I am when it comes to children living in circumstances that they cannot control. Their goal is to make things better by improving programs for children and making policies that truly help the families that are often overlooked. The Children’s Defense Fund works to help all children regardless of their race, income, or where they come from. I would like to work for them as an advocate and by working with children that are under privileged. The skills I would need for a job with this organization are to be able to run meetings, communicate with government officials and have a better understanding of computer skills. At this time I did not find any jobs that I am qualified for-but hope to change that as I continue working on my professional skills after finishing my degree.


The National Association For the Education of Young Children

The National Association for the Education of Young Children is an organization that I have belonged to for many years and have always wanted to be a part of by working with the accreditation team. By working with them I can help build more quality programs for children everywhere. I would like to work with them after graduating and at this time I have the skills to carry through on this goal. This organization is what it means to help families and children be successful in the early years because of the quality of centers that are required to be part of the organization.

I did not find a job listing, but I would like to be part of this group in more than volunteering for conferences and activities that I do right now. I have helped in previous years for my local chapter and plan on talking with the representatives they will have at the conference this year. I believe I have all the requirements to work for them at this time, but am willing to do whatever training I might need.




  1. Hi Susan - Thank you for sharing such a diverse group of organizations. The National Education Association provides a wealth of information and resources for educators and parents. I think it would be exciting to work for this organization and to see how their programs impact different communities. I also think it would be rewarding to work for the Children's Defense Fund. It would be fulfilling to help those most in need of assistance as well as advocate for them with our elected officials.

  2. Hello Susan, I think you did a great job with the organizations that you chose. As a mother of young children I have high expectations for childhood programs and I would love to help raise the standards for educational institutions.

  3. Susan,

    I am really interested in the first organization that you mentioned. Its goals are in line with that of Head Start. While many programs in the Williamsburg, VA area are of high quality, there are some that are not. This saddens me because I believe that all children should have access to high quality care--even those living in poverty.

    The other organizations that you mentioned are also prevalent in the early childhood field. I especially like NAEYC. The Journal articles that are written for the magazine, Young Children, are always so timely for our program.

    Thank you so much for sharing your aspirations!!!

  4. Susan,

    I enjoyed reading the information you shared about the agencies that were of interest to you. I also looked at the Children's Defense Fund. I enjoy the information they send you via email weekly it always information that is useful to me.
