Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 3: Communication

I believe I do communicate differently with the various cultures that I come into contact with everyday. I feel I use more non-verbal’s such as hand actions and body language in these situations. I work with many people that speak with either Spanish or Pilipino and sometimes it is hard to communicate only verbally. I try to learn the basic phrases for the languages that are used in my classroom, but I find it difficult to learn and understand some languages.

Every time we moved while in the military, I wanted to learn the new language but have found that I am better at understanding and playing the translator than speaking the language. By learning to read body language and other non-verbal cues I can become a better communicator over time or at least this is my hope.


  1. I believe that it is not just communicating with different communication skills that makes us effective communicators in a diverse society but our ability to use and vary these skills appropriately with different people during the different context with interact with them.

  2. After reading your blog it throught to mind, that fact that I use non-verbal cues on a daily basis when communicating with our heraing impaired students. Thanks
