I am an avided reader and always have been, so picking one book is hard for me-but I have always loved reading about Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. Another one I continue to read is the book Love you Forever by Robert Munsch to my children and grandchildren ( which I have given each a copy with a dedication inside ). When doing our theme on families I also read this to my class and they enjoy it as well and think it's funny when the mommy is the one being held. These books are jsut two of many that I read every year and hope I pass down a love for reading and learning to every child I meet.
The book "Love you forever is a graet book to read to children. I also read this book during our family theme. The children love to have this book read more than one time. i have a hard time reading it somedays only because it makes me cry. Very good book for children or even grandchildren.