Thursday, March 22, 2012

This week our assignment is to post quotes or othr interesting writings from the people we learned about for our discussion and from our week 2 video resource. For my discussion I picked Stanley Greenspan and Lilian Katz.

“if you do a little bit of looking at books with your children and inspire them to be curious about the pictures and … what the word means, but don’t get into very structured systematic teaching at too early an age,…and you interact emotionally and have fun with pretend play…then you have the best of both worlds.” Stanley Greenspan

“We need to take a less narrow look at our children’s problems and instead see them as windows of opportunity—a way of exploring and understanding all facets of our children’s development. If we can understand the underlying developmental process, we can see a child’s struggles as signs of striving toward growth instead of chronic problems or attempts to aggravate adults.” Stanley Greenspan

“Regardless of the history of IQ tests in the family, if I see nurturing, warm, interactive people who read emotional signals well and interact well, usually I see happy, competent and bright children.” Stanley Greenspan

“We overestimate children academically and underestimate them intellectually” Lilian Katz

“Let’s keep up the good work for the sake of the children. The best way to influence others is to do the best we can! It may very well be that what we do speaks more loudly than what we say”. Lilian Katz

Quotes from the Week 2 video:

“I want to fix all the injustices in the world. I want to make sure children are taught in an environment to grow and develop to their fullest abilities and to create a safe world”. Louise Derman-Sparks

“It helps me to put my ego aside and help these children to succeed”. Renatta M. Cooper

“We in the Early Childhood field have the opportunity to shape the child for the better”. Sandy Escobido


  1. Susan - I enjoyed reading your selection of quotes. I especially liked the one by Dr. Stanley Greenspan about how we need to view children's problems as "windows of opportunity." That is a more healthy and productive way of looking at helping the children in our care.

  2. Susan, I really liked your quote from Lilian Katz on a persons modeling as a way to motivate. I often forget about this aspect of motivating others (students, parents or other professionals) but it is such a good way to demonstrate a point as well as set a bar a little higher.

  3. Susan,
    The quote from Lilian Katz is very logical and I think it applies to anybody in all sectors. People tend to trust us based on what we do rather than say. More obvious for children. They copy what we do, believe in what we say. Showing works faster than saying.

  4. I really like this quote from Stanley Greenspan “We need to take a less narrow look at our children’s problems and instead see them as windows of opportunity—a way of exploring and understanding all facets of our children’s development. If we can understand the underlying developmental process, we can see a child’s struggles as signs of striving toward growth instead of chronic problems or attempts to aggravate adults.” Nice Job picking this one. If only we could get the rest of the would to look at saying like these. Melanie
